July 19 Solarize Virginia Webinar
Solarize Virginia has partnered with Fairfax County officials to help you navigate the process of going solar, the benefits of solar, how our solar campaign works, and how Fairfax can come together for a brighter future.
Solarize Virginia June 2024
Solarize Virginia finalizes its webinar series for 2024 with our June installation! Join us as Solarize Virginia leader and LEAP Co-Executive Director Katie VanLangen talks all things solar.
Solarize Virginia 2023
Everything you need to know about the Solarize campaign and the nuts-and-bolts of residential solar from Solarize director Katie VanLangen and Solar Energy World Vice-President of Sales Brian Hacker.
Solarize Fairfax 2024
July 26 Solarize Fairfax County Webinar
All the information in our Solarize Virginia Webinar as well as some information specific to Fairfax County residents from John Morill, Acting Director of Fairfax County’s Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination.